Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009

Here it is Easter weekend! Things are moving really fast. I can't believe it's been a month since Dad went to be with Jesus(as Katy says). Mother has tried to do some of the mountain of paperwork each day. This week we met with a lawyer to draw up Mother a new will.
Last weekend, I spent it with the Townsends of Lubbock! And I'll proudly say, Katy is potty trained!!!! I had to buy her the ballet shoes cause she pooped in the potty!!! (The things grandmas have to do!) We celebrated Katy's birthday at the Jumping Jungle. There was even a real Barbie princess that showed up. It took Katy a while to warm up to her, I don't think she could believe her eyes!
I'm enjoying my last few free days of sleeping late, I know I'm retired, but I told a girl at Hall that I would take her kinder class when she had her baby...I thought it would be just the last few weeks. Now I think it will be the last 6 weeks!!! but just think of all the money I'll be making!!!! sweet! I think Monday, I'll grab Mother and go see the Bluebonnets!

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