Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 09

July, and MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm 56 and proud of it! I love being a Grammie. I have one of the smartest and cutest granddaughters in the state of Texas! And soon will have another little sweetheart to love on! I can't wait to meet HIM!
June was a month of fun! I got to go to the Grand Canyon, and to visit out in Arizona with friends. This was another one of those things on my 'bucket list'. And yes, Martha, I have never been in a car that went 100mph! So I'll mark that off the list too!
The end of June found me in Valley Mills, TX. at a Maxey Family Reunion. And it was hot but great to visit with all the family. Boy, my cuzns are looking old???
July will start off quiet, I'm planning a trip out to Sundown sometime soon. We are hoping that Jon and Kathy and Katy will get to move to Whiteface!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cinco de mayo! 2009

Here is something from my 'bucket list'! I've always wanted to wear one of the 'ribbon dresses' from Cinco de mayo programs, so here is my crash course in the dance!!Listen to all the kids in the room. Vanessa Aguliar is the voice behind the camera!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

Well, Wednesday has come and gone! THANKGOODNESS! This is my second week of the long term job. From last week to today, the room I'm in was without air! And yes, the weather has been a typical May in Texas. HOT and HUMID! It only took the guy about 30 minutes to fix the air. Something about computers and switches going out....right!!
Anyway, today was much better than yesterday. I prayed for a better attitude towards working with the small ones!
One sad note, Ms. Williams a volunteer at Hall for several years found her son, Matthew dead Tuesday night. Matthew was one of my kindergarten students several years ago. He had gone to college at Texas Tech. He was in his 20s and he had married. It seems that the marriage had some problems. Matthew had become depressed and had started drinking. Matthew shot himself. So sad to see a life gone at a young age. I pray that the family will find peace.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, 2009

Boy, Friday afternoons are SLOW! I have forgotten how the clock seems to just stop...at 2 pm. I have finished the first week of my long term. Surprisingly, it really went fast. Kindergarten is one of those jobs that you start and then look back at the clock and it's lunch time. The last 3 days we had zero air! and of course the temp was in the 90s! it was HELL! So Friday afternoon, I plugged in the tv and we watched a movie. The kids wanted drinks and popcorn....sorry this is not Cineamark!!!!! These kids don't mind asking for anything. I want crayons. I want markers. I want popcorn. I want a drink. I just tell them....Dollar Store! Tell your parents.

Tuesday, starts ITBS...oh boy my favorite thing in the whole wide world! NOT! but this time I could care less what they do on it, not my problem!

Katy and her folks are here this weekend. Jon's other grandmother died this week. Boy, did we get calls. Folks thought it was Nanny! Well, thankgoodness it wasn't.
We are having a cookout here at the house tomorrow for Mother's day. My bunch, Jim, and Nanny and maybe even David and his gang! Should be fun!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6, 2009

Hump day they call it in the world of the working folks! How funny that I just fell back into the routine of teaching kinders... Today, after only 2 days, the class now knows that I am the Queen of the classroom! As I was washing up in the restroom, one of the few chances to go...I looked in the mirror and said to myself out loud, "Girl, you still got it!!! "

The class has settled down. I have MY classroom management skills going. I do remember how excited the kids get and how they love to sit and listen to me read! It's funny how kids love rules at this age. The Bible tells us that children want and need rules.
I am enjoying it, but I also have my countdown going. And just think, I won't have to work until next August or September!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4, 2009

Well....it was just like riding a bike! I stepped into the room and off I went into teaching mode! The kids are pretty good. They are really smart. Of course, I had to change the room up. I move a couple of tables. The kids were toooo close together for me! They are having to learn a couple of NEW rules....my rules! But they'll learn soon that I'm the Queen!
Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo!! And PROGRAMS!!! So tomorrow will be an easy day....in room 110(Valerie's old room)