Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A day at school after you retire!

I'm beginning to like subbing! I' m trying to sub at least 6 days a month to help out on the income. It is soooo nice to walk out at 3! And no papers to grade, report cards to do, or committee meetings to go to! I should have retired a long time ago!
Today was a easy day, I worked in a resource room where every 45 mins. the kids changed. I helped out with reading mostly. I did have a lunch time that lasted from 10:30 -12:45! Like I said, " how come I didn't have this job? "
The school is the same, and I sometimes feel like stepping back into the middle of things. I've had to learn HOW to be a sub! Just relax, read the paper, do the word search!
This is easy! I'm getting the hang of it!

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